Friday, December 10, 2010


It's been a long, long week! So glad that today is Friday. The week didn't start out well - Bent down just a tiny bit Monday, and I guess my sciatic nerve got pinched. OWWWWWWWWWWW! I had to use a cane for a couple of days. Luckily there's just a little pain now. Got some Christmas decorating done, just a little left to do. Haven't done any wrapping or shipping yet. I am the worst procrastinator!!

I did get some books today, so that always cheers me up. At the used bookstore I got Forbidden by Elizabeth Lowell, Deceived by Nicola Cornick, The Bargain Bride by Barbara Metzger, Love Bites by Lynsay Sands, and Compromised Hearts by Hannah Howell.

I ordered just a few things from Amazon. I love the artwork of Jessica Galbreth, so I ordered her Night Magick calendar. I've gone with Victoria Frances for the last 2 years, so I figured I needed a change. Haven't gotten it yet. But I did get the 4 books I ordered: Broken Wing by Judith James, The Scot and I by Elizabeth Thornton, Never Romance a Rake by Liz Carlyle, and Countess of Scandal by Laurel McKee. I'm reading Broken Wing right now, and it's totally awesome. I've cried or wanted to cry through most of the book - it's just so touching!

You know how I swore I wouldn't let the books needing reviewing pile up? I, uh, have 16 waiting to be done. (Procrastinator - see above)

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