Friday, June 15, 2012

Someone needs to kick my ass

If I would stop spending all my time searching for freebie Kindle books on Amazon, perhaps I'd get some damn reviews done!  Haven't been spending as much time reading, either.  (Though it would be hard to tell from my "read" pile!)  Must get my butt in gear.


  1. Hi Pokey! You are doing better than I am cuz I haven't posted on my blog in foreeever!
    Love your site and your cat tat:)

  2. Hi Pokey - I'll admit I can lag at reading too - I see you added my new dark fantasy to your TBR pile on Goodreads - I'd love for you to read/review it - I'd be happy to come visit on your blog and do a giveaway! Let me know! Kat de Falla author of The Seer's Lover :)
