LOVE LOVE LOVE my Kindle! Easy to read. Easy to use. Easy to carry around. And easy to download books.
Maybe a little TOO easy.......
I thought I bought a lot of books in my pre-Kindle days. That pales in comparison to my Kindle e-book buying. Holy shit. I'm buying stuff I never would have bought before, and I'm finding plenty of new authors to check out. Some of the books are unbelievably cheap. But when you buy sooooooooo many of them, it sure adds up! Hell, I've got over 600 items on my Kindle, and I just got the damn thing!
It was always fun to order books and wait for them to come in the mail. But just pushing a button and **pop** there it is? Beats waiting every time!
Someone please tell me this buying e-books addiction will slow down after I've had my Kindle for a while!
In the meantime, maybe I should actually read some books instead of just buying them....
Understanding and Interpreting Classic Literature To Write Better Homework
Imagine stepping into a world where each word and phrase opens doors to new
insights and perspectives. That’s the adventure classic literature offers.
1 year ago